Monday, September 26, 2011

learn a new trick

In the blog today you will learn how to hard flip. So pretty much you have to know how to kick flip. Also you need to know how to front side flip because it’s that with no turning in it. But to hard flip you need to do the same thing as a kick flip with your front foot and you back foot is going to swoop really hard like a tre flip but you are scooping it forward. It is going to flip around for this trick you need a lot of room to get in the air. Are you are going to nut it and not catch your board and land on the grip. The best way to land it is to catch it cause then you are safe. It is also be really nice to land on the bolts are it will be dangerous to break your board.

Monday, September 19, 2011

t pubb

This post is strictly going to be on Torey Pubwill. He has found great success skateboarding for a living in Simi Valley, California. He grew up skating in the Shorty’s old indoor skate park. His first real big break into the skating life was the DVS’s Skate More video. Following that he went into DVS’s Dudes Dudes Dudes video part. Also following that he got into Proof with Paul Rodriguez the creator of the video. That video from the help of Paul put Torey at the top of the street skating launching him even deeper into the skateboarding world. Also after Torey rising to the top in contests and all he still can land those crazy bangers (really good skating tricks) in most contests he enters. Coming out with his own signature skate shoes from DVS, also going from Almost skateboards to the big times of Plan B one of the most respected brands out there at the age of 20. He states that his most important years aren’t now but his beginning years on the Shorty’s team that Chad Muska put him on. He started skating at the age of six years old and only moved forward. Also he always wanted to be where he is now in the skating world but never thought that his carrer in this would take off the way it did.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Well first off that I am blogging now I hate it. I do not care to connect to the internet at all, except when I am using my Xbox three sixty. Other then that I do not care for the internet at all it is the worst thing ever. So many bad things on there that I do not care to look up. How I feel about blogging is that it sucks. I do not like anything about it. I hate connecting to the world through the internet, because I have a computer at my house and never touch it ever. Unless my internet isn’t working for my Xbox three sixty, then I start tweaking out on my computer. The problem I see for the future is me losing my email account again, because it happened the second day I tried using blogger. I also see if that happens I am going to throw this computer into the wall, and start ghetto stomping it. I kind of like this class better then a normal writing class, for the benefits of just writing down blogs; also it is worse in the way you have to be on the computer making blogs.

Also something new in my house is that we got a new Iron Head Harley Davidson motorcycle in my garage. That the paint on it is worth more then what my dad paid for the bike it is an awesome deal. It only needs minor work on it not costing more then two grand which for a Pan Head. Those bikes can go for more then ten grand finished, are pay that much and still be sticking money into it to make it go anywhere.

Monday, September 12, 2011

my weekend

Thursday around lunch time when I got up I drove about two hours to Falun Wisconsin, Land of the cheese heads. I went there to do my job. My job consist of ripping off shingles of a roof, pulling all the nails off the roof so its just bare wood left, laying down new paper, stapling the paper in so it won’t move, bringing eighty pound bundles of shingles onto the roof, making them all into piles on the roof again, then ripping it all open laying half of the bundles out and feeding them to the gunners. When I get off my job I go straight to the shower and get all of the fiberglass off my arms and clean all my cuts I got during the day. When I get out of the shower I go to eat dinner. It’s around nine to ten o’clock when I get off and sometimes don’t get lunch, so I just eat for hours when I get off. Usually when I drive so far to work I do it for more then one day so it was three days in a row that I was doing the same thing. So I didn’t leave till Saturday night around nine thirty and drove home on seventh to thirty five E. I finally got home around eleven o’clock at night and my dad brought me into the garage to see the new motorcycle he bought when I was gone, that brought the count in the garage to four now. Then stayed up another hour to two hours talking to him about what was going on when we were gone.

first blog

Hi this is my first blog I have made so let’s see where it goes. I don’t really use the internet for much then listening to music because computers hate me. If I take my blog into a direction it would be something important to me like my dog, or about something I do on a daily basis. For example, I skate try and not think about my job and ride my motorcycle in my spare time, so it’s going to be more in that direction. I ride a
Kalkaska street
bike and it is a good learning bike for going to take a test on compared to a big bike like a full dressed Harley Davidson because trying to pass a test on a bike like that would be a dream come true. I also like to “frolfing” which is Frisbee golfing. It is a lot like golfing but you just need a Frisbee and a chained net hole. The holes go from about one hundred yards to over six hundred depending on how nice the place is and if you have to pay.